A screening and discussion of the critically acclaimed film, "Kemba," which touches on themes of resilience and education, will be hosted for greater Newark community members this week by United Community Corporation (UCC).
This event was held Wednesday, May 15, 2024 at 4pm. inside the West Side Park Community Center in Newark. "Kemba" tells the true story of young Kemba Smith, whose life took a harrowing turn when she fell in love with a drug kingpin. The film explores Smith's journey as she grapples with life-altering consequences, shedding light on critical issues such as recognizing red flags, resilience, education, and the journey of criminal justice reform.
Following the screening, attendees got an opportunity to engage in a thought-provoking discussion led by Talitha Turner of Build People, Not Prisons, and the Brick City Peace Collective. Turner delved into the film's themes and their relevance today, providing attendees with valuable insights and a chance for meaningful dialogue.
United Community Corporation
"Moving people from dependency to self-sufficiency"