- Financial assistance to help pay for housing
- Stabilize families/individuals to assist in maintaining in their housing unit
- Case management and services to maintain housing
Homelessness Prevention Assistance to households experiencing a financial hardship placing them imminently (at-risk) of homelessness due to an eviction(Must have a summons or warrant of removal from landlord-tenant court - court papers must have a docket number and a court date and must be no more than 6 months old)
Rapid Re-Housing Assistance families and individuals living; on the street, in a transitional, emergency shelter, domestic violence shelter or the home is not-fit for human habitation, assist financially in obtaining permanent housing.

Limited Mortgage Assistance (LMA) is available to homeowners for up to two (2) months of mortgage arrears, not exceeding the below delinquencies:
- 0 – 90 (days delinquent)
- 90 – 180 (days delinquent)
Seminars, coaching and housing counseling services are offered in providing various options as it pertains to; Home Retention, Disposition Options. Loan Modification and Pre-Foreclosure Sale (PFS)
Purpose: Help Essex County residents who have exhausted all other retention options bring their mortgage current on their primary residence and avoid foreclosure.
Benefit: At least $2,200 per household (contingent upon case)
- Applicant(s) must be delinquent at least (60) days, have received notification in writing from their lender that the foreclosure proceedings have been initiated, and have received in writing, from their lender, a denial of default resolution, forbearance, or payment arrangement.
- Applicant(s) must be the property owner(s) and the property for which assistance is being requested must be their primary residence.
- Property types include single-family homes, owner-occupied 2-4 family homes, condos, and town homes.
- Applicant(s) being qualified as low- moderate income at the time foreclosure assistance is requested.
- Applicant(s) must provide proof of residency in the area of Essex County New Jersey.
- Applicant(s) are eligible to receive foreclosure prevention assistance one time only
- required to maintain their mortgage after foreclosure assistance is received.
- Applicant(s) will be required to demonstrate the steps they are taking to resolve their situation.
- Applicant(s) must demonstrate proof of extraordinary hardship. Assistance will be provided where an extraordinary hardship exists and has been demonstrated through adequate documentation, resulting in the delinquency on the first mortgage. If the applicant(s) has a variable rate mortgage, they must agree to modify or refinance to a fixed rate mortgage
United Community Corporation
"Moving people from dependency to self-sufficiency"