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To qualify for UCC’s Single-Family Home Remediation Program, households must contain children under the age of six and/or pregnant women, residential property constructed prior to 1978, if a lead-based paint hazard has been identified or if a client has a lead-related medical history.
Phone: 973-642-0181
Joanna Farfan: Joanna.farfan@uccnewark.org ext. 5717
If you are concerned with lead-based paint hazards in your home, contact United Community Corporation for a free at-home inspection/risk assessment. Should there be lead-based paint risks, UCC will use contracted professionals to remediate the issue and leave your home lead-free.
United Community Corporation created a Single-Family Home Remediation Program, which will identify and remediate lead-based paint hazards in residential properties throughout Essex County.
Lead-based paint usage was banned in New Jersey in 1978 due to suspected links to severe health risks, but it is still present in many households throughout Newark constructed in 1977 or earlier.
Children under six years old are most at risk for lead poisoning and according to Advocates for Children of New Jersey's 2018 Newark Kids Count, approximately a quarter of all tested Newark children under six years old have some harmful levels of lead in their blood. Lead exposure can also harm children even before they are born.
What Help Is Provided ?
- Preliminary lead testing to determine if lead is present on painted surfaces.
- Lead Inspection/Risk Assessment of your home.
- Remediation of lead-based paint hazards via interim controls.
- Abatement of lead-based paint hazards (HUD program)
- Occupants must have a gross household income that does not exceed 80% of the median income.
The program is open to both tenants and landlords (occupants must be income-eligible).
- 1-4 family residential properties constructed prior to 1978
- If there is an identified lead-based paint hazard or medical history.
United Community Corporation
"Moving people from dependency to self-sufficiency"